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Mentor Mentee Programme
About the initiative
On our second anniversary, The Philosophy Project is delighted to launch the ‘Mentor-Mentee’ initiative. We want to make philosophical resources available to all students, especially first-generation learners and those from marginalised backgrounds. These resources could include philosophical readings, academic notes, or anything else needed to make the most of a philosophy degree. Anyone who wishes to help students and impart valuable lessons for their personal academic experiences can become a mentor. Any student who wants guidance in terms of navigating the scope that the discipline of philosophy holds can be a mentee. Through this programme, the mentors would be introduced to their fellow mentees so that they can forge a collaborative and fruitful relationship. The Mentors will be able to help students understand the art of breaking down dense texts, critically analysing different theories, understanding answer formulation and providing overall guidance along their educational journeys. They will help them explore the philosophical terrain they have discovered- new discourses, interesting avenues, internships, academic and professional opportunities etc. The mentees will be able to connect with senior students regarding specific subjects or academic papers that they have doubts and concerns about. The mentees will also be able to glean new insights that come only through experience and initiate a close relationship with others who have been on the same journeys as them. The mentor-mentee program will provide a close-knit space for discussions, debates, exchange of stories, ideas, experiences and more. TPP wants to create a community of philosophy enthusiasts where we can all help one another to reach our full intellectual potential and realise that philosophy is less daunting and more fun when we do it together.
Application Deadline: 10th August 2022
For any queries, contact us at